Being a believer in Jesus Christ and growing deep in that relationship is a journey, a heart journey. Just like any relationship, without communication and time invested, it can grow shallow. Pondering God's Word and looking for its truths is one way I get to know the Father, His character, and His nature. So, please join me in this endeavor and add your thoughts as we travel through God's Word on this heart journey.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lord, I Need To Know What To Do...Esther, Part 3

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 NLT

Wisdom...who doesn't need wisdom...and lots of it! Obviously, we all do. But when we talk about "wisdom," what do we really mean? Knowledge, intelligence? A person can have tons of knowledge about something, but not be wise, and a person can have a very high intelligence level, and not have wisdom. 

Wisdom - knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action (

Wisdom is so much more than knowledge; it is discernment, good judgement, or, as my granny would say, "horse sense."

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've asked the Lord for wisdom when it comes to my children - from needing to know when to let them cry themselves to sleep as babies to guiding them through those difficult teen years and beyond.

I also can't count the number of times I've been faced with a situation and a sense of panic began creeping upward from my stomach - because I didn't ask for wisdom. I just acted on my own, out of my flesh. Sometimes, that doesn't work out too well!

The point is - God is the source of wisdom, and we are instructed in His word to ask Him for it, and we are promised in His word that He will give it. WOW! That seems so simple....

Queen Esther was faced with a dire situation in which she desperately needed God's wisdom. (To catch up on Esther's story, read Part 1 and Part 2) The king's Prime Minister, Haman, had connived a way to destroy the entire Jewish population and the king had unknowingly given his approval. Mordecai had alerted Queen Esther and implored her to go before the king and plead for her people. But remember:
  • Anyone, including the queen, who approached the king without being summoned could be put to death and
  • The king was unaware that Esther was a Jew.
We've already discussed how God displayed His Power and Presence through Esther's courage. However, another quality that showed up in Esther's actions was wisdom. Courage is best coupled with wisdom. In fact, wisdom keeps courage from becoming fool hearted.

As Queen Esther dealt with the knowledge given her about the plot against the Jews, we can see seven steps of wisdom that she took.

  1. She STOPPED - Esther did not rush headlong into or away from the problem! Before doing anything, she paused and caught her breath - so to speak. It's always wise to take a few minutes or even a few days, if possible, before acting on a rash emotion. There is a difference between "action" and "reaction," and "reaction" usually leads to more problems.
  2. She WAITED - Instead of acting on impulse, Esther sent a servant to talk to Mordecai to find out what was really going on (4:5). She wanted the facts before she acted. Patience is a virtue.
  3. She CONSULTED - Esther sought advice and counsel from her cousin Mordecai (4:12-14), who had proven his wisdom to her throughout her life. Proverbs 11:14 says, "Where there is not guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory." Seeking godly advice is also a virtue.
  4. She PRAYED - After hearing from Mordecai and his plea for her to go before the king, she called for prayer and fasting. She knew her ultimate counselor was God, Himself. This wasn't just a wing and a prayer, either. Esther called for a three day fast for herself, her maids, Mordecai, and all the Jews in the city. She wanted to hear from the Lord. Phil. 4:6-7 - "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace that surpasses all human understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
  5. She DECIDED - Time, counsel, and prayer led Esther to a decision that gave her the kind of peace described in Philippians. She was so at peace with her decision that she said, "...I will go in to the king, which is not according to the law, and if I perish, I perish." (4:17) That was God's kind of peace!
  6. She ACTED - Esther put feet to her faith in 5:1-2 and went in to the inner court to the king's throne room praying that he would extend his scepter to her, which he did. What if she had known what God wanted her to do, but never acted on it? Knowing God's will doesn't mean much if we don't DO God's will. He gave her the plan, and she carried it out with boldness.
  7. She ADJUSTED - Part of wisdom is discernment, and Esther discerned that it would be better to explain her plea at a second meeting with the king and Haman. So she invited them to a another banquet on the following evening. Because she listened with her heart, God's timing played out perfectly. The king learned that Mordecai had thwarted an earlier plot to kill the king but had never been rewarded. And Haman's pride led him to build a gallows on which he planned to hang Mordecai. However, Haman, himself, was hanged on that very spot after the king learned of his deceit. (Esther 6-7) 
God's Power and Presence in Esther's life allowed her to call on His wisdom in that difficult circumstance. And because she did something with that wisdom, the Jews were not annihilated. His wisdom and His will is perfect. She put herself completely in His hands and felt that peace that cannot be explained.

Where does that leave us? Hopefully, we are left remembering that when we are faced with a stressful situation, we should call upon the Power and Presence of our Lord to give us His wisdom. We should never panic and react but pray and act, putting our faith into action, and let God take care of the rest.

God may not need you to save an entire people group, but He does want you to be His hands and feet in the world around you. That includes your family, friends, work place, social circles - wherever life takes you. He has a plan and purpose for your life, and when you are smack dab in the middle of it, you, too, will have that peace that we cannot understand.

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