Being a believer in Jesus Christ and growing deep in that relationship is a journey, a heart journey. Just like any relationship, without communication and time invested, it can grow shallow. Pondering God's Word and looking for its truths is one way I get to know the Father, His character, and His nature. So, please join me in this endeavor and add your thoughts as we travel through God's Word on this heart journey.

About Me...

 I am a mother of two beautiful daughters (who both have wonderful husbands), the grandmother of two
Garry, Carlie, Me, & Lacie
wonderful grandsons, and a wife to my husband Garry. I taught English and speech for 20 years, and for the last 10 have been a Language Arts Writing consultant and part-time instructor of English at Howard Payne University.I have taught Sunday School and Bible studies most of my adult life. I love God's Word and get very excited when He reveals Truth to me through my studies!

I am also a polio survivor! I contracted polio toward the end of the world-wide epidemic of the 1930's-1950's and spent nine months in an iron lung. I was only 2 1/2, so I don't remember much about being ill, but

My mom, dad, brother, & sister at my youngest daughter's wedding.

 I do know it was a very stressful time for my family. God is good and has allowed me to live a normal life with the aide of braces, crutches, surgeries, etc. I now use a power chair to get around and am so thankful for all the new technology that science has brought about. I credit my parents for never babying me or being over-protective, and once I became a parent, I realized how much that took on their part! But they never told me I couldn't do something - they would let me try even if it meant falling flat on my face. They would just pick me up and life would go on.

I accepted Jesus as my personal savior when I was nine years old. I hadn't had time or opportunity to be a "terrible" sinner, but I did know that if I were to die, I would not go to heaven. I used to think my testimony was pretty dull and not one that would impact someone else since I was not saved out of drugs or some other bad habit. However, over the years as I have walked with my savior, I realize that I was not saved OUT of something, but I was saved FROM some bad things. Obviously, I have made mistakes and am a forgiven sinner, but because of those whispers from the Holy Spirit, I never delved too deeply into the temptations that were bountiful while growing up in the 70's. For that, I am forever thankful.

My walk with the Lord has been and still is a journey - a heart journey. I've experienced mountain tops and valleys, deserts and floods. I am not where I want to be yet; I'm still on the journey. But I do know that through all the life-circumstances that I have experienced, including living with a disability, he has walked every step with me and given me the peace that passes all human understanding. I wouldn't change a thing.

His purposes for me included a loving husband who loves the Lord and two beautiful daughters. My daughters now have families of their own, so I've transitioned from "Mom" to "Nana," and I love it! I am blessed to have experienced these various seasons of life.



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